Bluestacks clash royale keybinds
Bluestacks clash royale keybinds

If some files are missing it is because they do not belong to me and I will not make them available, you will need to find them yourself. To kill the AI, select the log window in Notepad++ and hit Ctrl-C Start BlueStack Install/Run Clash Royale on BlueStack Make sure your game is on the 'Start Battle' screen Hit F5 in notepad++ Don't touch the mouse while the AI is playing To kill the AI, select the log window in Notepad++ and hit Ctrl-C License Use at your own risk.Don't touch the mouse while the AI is playing.Make sure your game is on the "Start Battle" screen.Open with notepadd++ from python_env/npp.No installation required once you have bluestack, python_env and ClashAI checkout somewhere on your disk. The AI assume you have the following deck : I use BlueStack in 1296x729 (recommended settings)Īny other emulator or resolution and you will need to redo the configurations in the file You will also need an emulator for Clash Royale on PC. Python_env has notepad++ as the IDE and an installation of python 3.0 with all the required libraries. However, the AI is intended to play like a human and does not cheat in any way. I cannot be held responsible if you get banned using this. This is intended as both a serious project in AI, Python, Image Manipulation and machine learning as well as a simple Clash Royale bot to gather trophies during clan chest weekends.

Bluestacks clash royale keybinds